Sources of Strength matter locally.
Sources of Strength
Community Prevention Specialist Kristi Lipp has multiple years experience implementing the Sources of Strength program at the high school level. Knowing that the program’s teachings could benefit people of all ages, in 2022 Kristi and the Coalition took the programming community wide. Each month, a video featuring a different segments of the wheel is being released. The videos feature a wide variety of community members and programs.
Family Support
According to local students, sometimes family is the people to who you are related. Sometimes it’s also close friends, mentors, and people who encourage you to be your best self. It’s the people who show up to support you on a day-to-day basis. In this video, you will hear young people express how much they appreciate the people who show up to support them at sporting events and more. Or, the people who support and encourage.
Positive Friends
From Kindergarten to the retired ladies who gather at the local quilt shop, positive friends are important throughout all of life’s chapters. In this video, watch multiple generations discuss what they think it means to be a good friend.
What can you do to be a better friend? What do you appreciate most about your own friends?
From the basketball court to main street businesses, people in our community are stepping up to teach those around them. Listen in as the Upton students discuss their appreciation for their basketball coach’s expectations. In Newcastle, students appreciate the opportunity to do internships at local businesses while learning new skills and responsible work ethics.
Newcastle, Wyoming’s food pantry is run entirely by volunteers. From stocking shelves to helping customers, the volunteers are committed to helping their fellow community members. As one volunteer stated, “We are here to help, not to judge.” The team wants to do its part to ensure people in the community don’t go hungry unnecessarily.
Mental Health
Plain and simple, mental health is health. Needing help is okay and seeking help when needed is brave. In this video, local counselor Lesley Patterson discusses mental health and the local resources available. Whether you’re seeking support for yourself or a loved one, it’s a difficult and important conversation.
Healthy Activities
What do you do when you’re not working? Enriching activities, regardless of your age, are important. In our healthy activities feature, local 4-Hers discuss everything from robotics to archery and livestock projects. It’s just one of the many opportunities to keep you and the young people in your life doing things you enjoy and from which you can learn.
Physical Health
From eating right to regular check-ups, what should you know about taking care of yourself. According to Dr. Jording,
Coming August 2022! Local resources
Weston County is a kind and giving community. Stay tuned for our August feature when we deliver a highlight reel of the community’s MANY helpers and givers.